Your comments

I believe this could be due to the controller positioning & visuals not keeping up. We'll work to optimize the visuals for the grappling hook, so as to it doesn't look as if it's shooting randomly.

Looks like you've found yourself a nice camping spot :)

We are aware of the issue & the dev's will definitely tackle it.

What you've shared is extremely helpful in developing our game! 

Can't thank you enough for taking the time to make Skyfront vids, just before the storm is about to hit! Be safe! 

Hey Jeremy!

Thanks for taking the time to check out the game & post your feedback.

I personally haven't used the grappling hook in the way that you described & that's what makes it even more awesome for us, we get to see how players engage with what we've developed, thus helping us to improve the game. As I wrote @Daniel above, we'll look into the possibility to change the grappling hook to be active only when the button is pushed down.

Sticky-Tricky surfaces do have a reason behind them actually. We implemented collision dampening as a method to reduce motion sickness when hitting objects. We'll discuss this with the team, there may be a better balance to be found for our solution, as long as it doesn't have overwhelming negative effects.

We actually have a new version of the HUD in works, but it isn't in a form of a helmet. We have talked about creating a HUD that display's information on the "helmet's" visor, but strayed off the idea, because we felt it may harm your vision of the surroundings within the game. This doesn't mean we've scrapped this idea totally, we just put it in the "something to think about" cabinet.

The reload button is the same as the one you use for the Grappling Hook.

Animations are a must, we agree & it's definitely something we have in plans! Possibly even some Easter Eggs :)

One of the main priorities we plan to work on after the Beta test is to better matchmaking. As there's a limited amount of players it can be difficult to find a match at this time. Try logging in around 8-10 PM (your timezone) to better the chances of finding a match. We'll also be logged in every day between 6-9 PM (CEST) if you fancy a game :)

In the meantime, we also suggest to use Beta Discord created by a @NathMorr on Reddit.

It's great to hear there's a lack of motion sickness whilst playing the game, it means that one of the main aspects we set out to test in the Beta is proving to be successful.

Daniel! I have no idea where people like you come from, but you're a bliss!

Correct, currently the grappling hook has to be pushed for the second time in order to release during pulling. We have discussed adjusting the controls of the Grappling Hook, that it will only pull you at the time you hold the button down & once released, it'll stop. I'll bring it up again. I also personally feel, that the sound of the grappling hook is a bit overpowering, especially when many players are using it at the same time. But this will be balanced as time goes on. In regards to the Speedshifter's (FYI that's what the "grappling hook" is called :) display with the number 100 - It's an extra boost you can get by pushing the trigger & the top of your Vive trackpad (use the stick on Oculus) simultaneously.

We'll see what we can do to make the reloads more pronounced in terms of the time it takes. The loadout issue should have been fine now with the Hotfix 1.0. Here's another tip for you: By pulling the trigger half-way, with the Rocket Launcher in your hand, you will be able to send 2 or 3 missiles simultaneously, dependant on the time you hold the trigger.

Loadout menu displaying weapons is absolutely in plans! The same goes for animations & other visuals (like the HUD & Character).

Agree with creating obstacles in the map, it will make a more engaging & fun experience. At the same time I can tell you, that the next map we've started building is gonna be bigger & more awesome.

There is a max speed of movement, but you get there gradually, as this limits motion sickness. Visuals, as mentioned above, are definitely in plans.

We couldn't think of anything of more value to us, than the input you guys give. Do keep 'em coming!

We tried to suggest a general time when people log into Steam to have a go. So if you're based in the US, it's 6-9 PM your time plus-minus an hour dependent on the time zone.

However, we will be online 7-10 PM (CEST) every day during the test, if you're able to make it.

We are aware of the issues you pointed out, but none the less, thanks for your input!
Yes! We are patching the game as we go, you can check this thread with the latest info.

We also are going to be updating this thread continuously with Patch Fixes, as we try to fix the issues that are found during the test.

Hotfix 1.0

1. Fixed a networking migration error where upon server disconnect the players get stuck and don't migrate to next server
2. Fixed a bug in the Loadout Menu where weapon selections in the Main Menu are not carried over to the match
3. Several smaller bugs

Thanks for checking out the game!

Try logging in around 6-9PM, when you should find more traffic. A pendulum grappling hook can make things a bit queasy, but we'll see if it's possible. Sounds & volume levels are also something we will work on going further.

Thanks for the feedback! No motion sickness means longer gamplay, which makes for more FUN!
We already have a million ideas how to make for more engaging maps & all the feedback from you guys just makes it simpler for us!