
Say Hello!

Ervin 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 22

Hey guys!

Hope you're ready to start testing Skyfront this weekend :)

In the meantime, feel free to say Hi or ask us any questions you may have.



Thanks for having me be part of beta testing. i played for about an hour and didn't encounter many players this evening. I will try again tomorrow when more players might be available.

What I disliked the most was that I couldn't communicate with the other players. Also, after every match I would lose the players and have to wait a couple minutes before someone finally joined wasting at least 1/2 the match waiting around. Another thing I noticed is that the player models looked very 2 dimensional with zero animation. Not a big deal but it definitely needs some polishing.

You guys have a solid product here. There's definitely some great potential.

I didn't feel any motion sickness, the controls are quite easy to grasp. The grapling hook is a great idea. I'm looking forward to trying this again tomorrow evening.

Glad you're on board with us!
We're definitely planning on implementing team chat, in the meantime I suggest using Skyfront Steam community Group Chat.
Animations are a must, I agree. At the same time, we want to make sure that gameplay functions properly & once we're satisfied, we'll start polishing the visuals.

Hey there ,

I tried for +- 30 minutes today, on my 1st try we were 2 in the game but I could not find how to fly so I didn't spent much time in there.  I tried later today and was alone but figured how to fly and practice some fly and grapple techniques.

I agree with the voice communication, it would be a nice addon.

The game looks fun, I will try again tomorrow.

I suggest logging in at peaks times between 6-9PM, when you should be able to find more traffic.
Team chat is defo in works.

Good evening !! I just played the game for +/- 20minutes and it was a great feeling. Like the other user said I didn't feel any motion sickness either which is a good thing. The flying part feels a lot like Richie's plank which is great. After 10 minutes being alone I finally encountered someone and got into a fight and it was pretty cool. Good idea with the shield and grappling hook. After a couple of minutes of fighting I noticed some sort of lag but I do not know if it was my computer or the server. Anyway I am off for the night but I will be back this weekend to enjoy some more. 

Thanks for letting me be a part of this beta test !

We love the fact that people are mentioning LACK of motion sickness!

Try logging in at peak times between 6-9PM to better your matchmaking.


First of all i would like to say i LOVE that i didnt get motion sick of this.

I remember even getting motionsick from being rocked in my cradle as a baby (not really)

So thats a huge gain on your part.

Dispite a bit of screen tearing i had a wonderful time.

I can just imagine the different kinds of maps you guys can come up with. flying in or under dangerous objects. losing your enemys. 

Ill def keep track of this game and all its progression! :)


Thanks for the feedback! No motion sickness means longer gamplay, which makes for more FUN!
We already have a million ideas how to make for more engaging maps & all the feedback from you guys just makes it simpler for us!

looks fun, nobodies playing as of 1100 US central time :(.  Solid gameplay, movement is cool.  The grapple should use pendulum mechanics, that would be way cooler.

Also, the sound that the machine gun plays when switched too is god awful!  That really needs to be softer, or reworked entirely.  In fact all the switching weapon sounds are waaaaay too loud imo.  Can't wait to play against some actual people. 

If this game goes full release, it will need bots.  VR playerbases are just low in general 

Thanks for checking out the game!

Try logging in around 6-9PM, when you should find more traffic. A pendulum grappling hook can make things a bit queasy, but we'll see if it's possible. Sounds & volume levels are also something we will work on going further.

6-9PM.... what time zone?

We tried to suggest a general time when people log into Steam to have a go. So if you're based in the US, it's 6-9 PM your time plus-minus an hour dependent on the time zone.

However, we will be online 7-10 PM (CEST) every day during the test, if you're able to make it.


Any chance you can throw an extra beta key my way? My friend just got his Rift today, and really wants to play. So far, when I've gotten in a game with people, it's been awesome! Voice chat would be cool, but so far I love the mechanics of it!

Hi, I will be beta testing and I look forward to giving input.  The first thing that jumps out at me is that I am unable to "slide down walls".  What I mean is that when I hit a wall, I have to fly away from it and can't just move along it.

My system Specs are i7 and GTX 970 and when I get into a rocket fight with another player I get tons of choppiness.

Thanks for your input!

I recently replied in one of the other posts in regards to the slowing down when hitting objects. Here it is:

"Sticky-Tricky surfaces do have a reason behind them actually. We implemented collision dampening as a method to reduce motion sickness when hitting objects. We'll discuss this with the team, there may be a better balance to be found for our solution, as long as it doesn't have overwhelming negative effects."

We will continue working to optimize our game for different setups. In the meantime, try turning the "Graphics Setting" to "Low" to ger rid of the choppiness.

Hi, I had a lot of fun playing, I wish they were a lot more people when I played. overall I think the game has a lot of potential. If I may suggest, maybe a radar system could be implied, or at least a incoming warning. The grappling could be a little longer and should not nullify the boost, giving the possibility to not crash into walls or maybe be active when pressed only. The rocket launcher feels a little overkill (but so much fun).

Thanks for the invite!

This is my post just above!

Hey Samy!

Hopefully you managed to get a game going. Otherwise we would suggest logging in between 8-10 PM (your timezone) to find more people playing the game. Our team is on every day 6-9 PM (CEST). Additionally, try the Discord created by one of the testers @CzechMate.

We agree that notification/warning of where the attack(er) is coming from should have to be more pronounced. Currently, you have to push the Grappling Hook button the second time for it to stop pulling. We are thinking of changing this into the Grappling Hook being active only while the button is held down.

Tip for the Rocket Launcher: Hold the trigger half-way down in order to send multiple missiles simultaneously!

Hey, I played for a bit last night and loved it. No players on, but it was fun. Absolutely no motion sickness. Putting some comments together now. With the hurricane coming through, I had to actually do my job and will be doing humanitarian work until next week, so no more testing for myself this week =( hope you guys decide to do another beta so I can get some more time in! 

Thanks again for posting Jeremy!

We'll see what we can do in terms of a second test, everyone who signed up for the ongoing Beta will definitely be invited first-hand.

Had a quick play.

First impression is that it was a lot of fun. Performance was solid on my computer (i7 5820K/GTX 1080/16GB RAM). I jumped into a game and was lucky enough that there were three others on at the same time (I'm Eden S B if it was any of you on here). 

I have pretty strong VR legs. Didn't experience any motion sickness, but did have a couple of slightly dizzying moments when I physically turned quickly to defend. Really enjoyed the flying through the air and attacking from underneath/above as well as the standard. 

Agreed that chat is a must for the future. 

There were times where I felt I spent too long moving through the level to get to the action. That may decrease with more players in game/smaller map/some reason to encourage players to certain areas of the map. 

I found it quite amusing seeing the dead bodies float off after killing someone. 

Hey! Thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts!

Glad that you liked the experience. Once you get a hang of the Grappling Hooks & start blazing the place like Spiderman, you'll never miss out on the action for too long :)

The death animation is just the beginning, we have sooooo many ideas we would like to bring, but... everything takes time & we will try our best to deliver

PS: It's happy hour for us RIGHT NOW! 6-9 PM (CEST). So if you want war, IT'S ON!