Your comments

New problem with the new beta! The first time I started the game, the UI was smooth like last week, but I had low FPS in game(the type of low fps where there's a black circle around what you see because it's not rendering fast enough) and when I pressed the steamVR menu it made all the steamVR environment crash. At first I thought my computer wasn't good enough anymore because of the new background and little map upgrade, but then I restarted the game and everything was smooth. I moved around for like 15 minutes like that and I started to get low fps again after opening the steamVR menu. Opening the steamVR menu during the low fps made everything crash again.

processor - amd 8350-fx

graphic card - gtx 960 (might be the cause, I need to upgrade soon)

Actually you can reload with the grip button on the controller that you are holding the gun. It took me some time to notice since there's no sound or animation.

I actually thought it was weird that when I managed to find a game with someone else, he was almost always gone the next game. Maybe it's the same problem and we are sent in different room for some reason.

My gamertag is tommypepsi. I know he wasn't using the rocket launcher since the explosions makes my game lag. If it was the revolver, maybe it would be a good thing to have something to show where you were hit when you die like in pavlov.

I think I encountered a hacker, he was always killing me one shot. The first two times I thought "Damn he's good!", but after that it just felt weird and when more player came I understood that it was only him. I don't remember his gamertag, it was something really long that didn't fit in the headset with "vigilant" in it.

The menus should always appear in front of you, I was always looking around trying to find the menu and score board.

Also, I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but I feel like the guns are aiming downward from where I feel it should be really aiming. I guess it was to make it feel more realistic in a way, but because of the way the triggers are placed it just feels like it's not aiming where I'm pointing.