Couple suggestions

VROdyssey 6 years ago 0

Hi, I recently added the game to our arcade via Springboardvr.  It's great but there are two things offhand that I think would improve the experience.  First, the design of the jets or thrusters look a lot like guns and that confuses new players.  Secondly, death and respawning is so quick that most often players are saying "what happened?" than registering their opponent one up them.  This is partly because the taking-damage graphic is so soft.  If it was more pronounced and if there could be some sort of death effect that lasted an extra second or two; maybe the screen goes black and white or the camera shows the player's body in third person in the direction facing it's source of demise.  A little something would help sink in the impact otherwise respawning with bare hands so quickly can make it feel like the round just ended or time ran out or something.  That aside, it's a great game!  If you get around to adding new content, having a gun that makes players lose their zero gravity and potential fall to their death would be cool.  Then they'd have to use the grappling hook to catch themselves.  Cheers~